Zorii Bliss (A)

Zorii Bliss (A)

Avg. Rating 5.0
1 Rating


Side Neutral
Rarity Rare
Version A
Type Character
Points 3


Card Number
70 / 225

Independent Development Committee
Publish Date

Independent Development Committee

Card Text

Whenever Zorii attacks, you may disrupt that attack. If you do, each unit gets -4 power when attacking Zorii until end of turn.

Remove X credit counters from Zorii    Gain X build points. Play only during your build step.

INSERT: Bounty: Put 1 credit counter on Zorii.


Bounty: [bonus]: A layered ability triggered during a unit discard that means, "When another unit is discarded by damage from this unit, you gain the following when your next build step starts." Bounty triggers even if the attacking unit leaves play. Bounty works in the build zone. You will gain the bounty even if the attacking unit is sent to the discard pile. The unit can't collect a bounty on itself.
INSERT: A layered, static ability that means, "When this card is in play or stacked under the unit, the unit gets the following effect:" Insert works while in the build zone. The effect works while anywhere in the unit's stack. The granted ability remains to be the ability of its type. (For example, activated abilities granted by Insert may be disrupted.) The granted effect may not work in the build zone as per the rule for the rule for that effect.

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