Falcon Flight (A)

Falcon Flight (A)

Avg. Rating 5.0
1 Rating


Side Light
Rarity Rare
Version A
Type Space
Points 3


Card Number
9 / 150

Independent Development Committee
Publish Date

Independent Development Committee

Card Text

Stack: Luke's X-wing and the Millennium Falcon.

Lucky 2

Pay X+1 Force    Take a Luke's X-wing card with printed build cost X from Falcon Flight's stack and put it into the Space arena untapped. Play only during your build step.

Pay 2 Force    Persuade 2


Lucky X: A cumulative, static ability that means, "Each time this unit attacks or is attacked, you may re-roll up to X of this unit's attack dice or have your opponent re-roll up to X attack dice against this unit." Both players can use Lucky effects according to the rules for POP chances. Lucky is used only once after all triggered re-roll effects resolve. You can't re-roll more dice than are rolled for the attack. You may choose to roll any number of dice up to the Lucky value.
Stack: [List]: A layered, static ability that means "You may put a listed card under this unit as part of its stack." The listed cards can't be on top of the stack. Cards with the Stack ability don't count as the cards listed and don't contest with any of the listed cards. If a card is listed by its name you can't stack a card with a different name unless it satisfies a different criteria in the [list] or they represent the same unit. (See the "Different Versions with Different Names" section in the rules PDF) Unlike a normal stack, you can only have one version of each unique unit from the [list] in the stack. Non-unique cards listed on a card with the Stack ability are permitted to form a part of the stack and you can have multiple cards with the same name in the stack as long as they are non-unique. Cards added to a card's stack using the Stack ability cannot exceed the 4 card maximum normal stacking rule. If a unique card with the Stack ability has another version of itself move to the top of it's stack, discard any cards in the stack that can't stack with the new version on top of the stack.
Persuade X: An activated ability that means, "Prevent up to X damage to this unit, and the attacking unit, if any, loses power for its next attack equal to the amount of damage prevented this way."