When you deploy this unit, you may search your deck for a Campaign card. If you do, show it to your opponent and put it into your build zone with 1 build counter on it. Shuffle your deck.
Bombard 7.
Bombard X: A cumulative, static ability that means, "This unit may attack a unit in the Ground arena instead of the Space arena, using X power plus any other effects." You choose whether to use Bombard to attack a unit in the Ground arena or to make a normal attack in the Space arena. You can't attack a unit in the Space arena using Bombard. Power changes affect Bombard.
Precision: An isolated, static ability that means, "This unit cannot be intercepted." An attacking unit with Precision cannot have the target of its attack changed by a unit with the Intercept ability. "Elude" is the former name of this keyword. Treat any unit with Elude as if it has Precision instead.