Reciprocity (A)

Reciprocity (A)

Avg. Rating 5.0
1 Rating


Side Light
Rarity Common
Version A
Type Space
Points 1



Card Number
135 / 160

Independent Development Committee
Publish Date

Independent Development Committee

Card Text

Shields 1

When you deploy Reciprocity, take 2 40/2/2 Republic Militia Recruits Subordinate with "Pay 0 Force    Intercept" and put them into the Ground arena.


Intercept: A selective ability activated during the attack POP that means, "If one of your other units is being attacked in the same arena, the attacking unit now attacks this unit instead." Intercept doesn't end the attack. Any number of units may intercept an attack once for each instance of the effect. Each intercepting unit has been attacked. Intercept isn’t a prevention ability. Intercept doesn’t cause a new attack. (It is the same attack.) Your unit may intercept an attack from one of your own units (but not from itself) as long as that unit can attack it. If it can't attack the intercepting unit, you can pay its activation, but the defending unit won’t change. "For this attack" effects do not trigger for each intercept. Some effects may end because they don't apply to the new defending unit unless the effect's conditions are met by the new defending unit. An effect that addresses the attack can't be played for each intercept, but could continue.
Shields X: A cumulative, static ability that means, "The attacking unit gets –X power against this unit." Shields only matters when attack dice are rolled. If you give a unit Shields after your opponent has rolled for damage, it doesn't affect the roll.