Equipped Nightbrother gets +20 speed and +2 health.
Equipped Darth Maul or Savage Opress also gets +2 power and "Pay 2 Force Protect 2 (Prevent up to 2 damage to one of your other units in this arena.)"
Equip: A selective effect on Equipment activated during the build step that means, "Attach this Equipment to a unit. Play only during your build step." You can pay the Equip cost only once per turn.
Protect X: A layered ability activated during the damage prevention POP that means, "Prevent up to X damage to one of your other units in this arena." You can play Protect only once for each instance of damage. You don't have to use all of the Protect. You choose how much damage to Protect up to X, even if the full amount of damage or more is pending.