Starkiller Base TIE Squadron

Starkiller Base TIE Squadron

Avg. Rating 5.0
1 Rating


Side Dark
Rarity Common
Version A
Type Space/Ground
Points 1


Card Number
101 / 109

Independent Development Committee
Publish Date

Independent Development Committee

Card Text

Alternative Cost: Pay 3 build points, remove 3 counters from your Resource.

Whenever Starkiller Base would be attacked, you may have the attacking unit attack this unit instead.

Do 1 dice of damage to this unit    Ambush 2


Alternative Cost
Alternative Cost: [cost]: A selective, static effect that means, "Instead of paying the build cost of this card, you may complete this card by paying the [cost] listed." Alternative Cost must be paid in full, if it is not possible to pay the [cost] completely, you can't complete the card. You must pay the [cost] in the order listed. Any ability that reduces the normal cost to complete a card does not reduce the [cost] in that card's Alternative Cost, unless the ability specifically says so.
Ambush X: A layered, activated ability that means, "If your opponent deploys, moves, or puts a unit into this arena, this unit does X dice of damage to that unit." Each Ambush can be used once per instance of a unit being deployed, moved, or put.