Name Sort Version Sort Expansion Sort Side Sort Type Sort Subtype Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort
Clone Wars: Republic at War Light Space Republic Capital Ship 7 40 6 7
Clone Wars: Republic at War Light Space Republic Capital Ship - Aquatic 5 20 5 5
Revenge of the Sith Light Space Republic Capital Ship 8 20 6 7
Sith Rising Light Space Republic Capital Ship 8 10 8 10
A The Dark Times Dark Space Imperial Capital Ship - Flagship 10 20 4 10
A The Old Republic: Days and Nights Neutral Space Arkanian Capital Ship 7 20 5 7
B The Old Republic: Days and Nights Neutral Space Arkanian Capital Ship 6 30 4 6
Empire Rising Light Space New Republic Capital Ship 6 40 5 5
The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime Yuuzhan Vong Space Yuuzhan Vong Capital Ship 9 20 4 5
A Empire Strikes Back Dark Space Imperial Capital Ship 7 30 8 6
Showing 1 to 10 of 212 entries