501st Legion (C)

501st Legion (C)

Avg. Rating 5.0
1 Rating


Side Dark
Rarity Uncommon
Version C
Type Ground
Points 2



Card Number
101 / 340

Independent Development Committee
Publish Date

Independent Development Committee

Card Text

Bounty: Put 1 captivity counter or 1 damage counter on any unit.




Armor: An isolated, static ability that means, "This unit can only be hit on a roll of 5 or more." Armor works against dice of damage and attack dice. It redefines what die roll is required to hit a unit. It doesn’t modify the die roll like Accuracy. A unit with Accuracy 1 attacking a unit with Armor hits with 4's, 5's, and 6's.
Bounty: [bonus]: A layered ability triggered during a unit discard that means, "When another unit is discarded by damage from this unit, you gain the following when your next build step starts." Bounty triggers even if the attacking unit leaves play. Bounty works in the build zone. You will gain the bounty even if the attacking unit is sent to the discard pile. The unit can't collect a bounty on itself.
Overkill: An isolated ability triggered during the pending damage POP that means, "When this unit attacks, you may divide hits in excess of the defending unit's remaining health between that unit and another unit in the same arena." The player who controls the attacking unit decides how many hits (if any) in excess of the defending unit's remaining health to reassign as damage to the second unit. (That player can't change their mind afterward.) A number of hits equal to the defending unit's health must be assigned to the defending unit, and the remainder may be assigned to the defending unit or another unit in the same arena. Overkill damage is caused by the ability, not the die roll. Shields, Parry, and Armor have no effect against it, but damage prevention not specifying dice works normally. Both units resolve damage in tandem.

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