Lord of Hunger (A)

Lord of Hunger (A)

Avg. Rating 5.0
1 Rating


Side Dark
Rarity Rare
Version A
Type Equipment
Points 3



Card Number
26 / 195

Independent Development Committee
Publish Date

Independent Development Committee

Card Text

When you gain Force, attach Lord of Hunger to one of your Triumvirate Sith.

Equipped Triumvirate Sith gets "Bounty: Gain X Force, where X is the total build cost of the unit that was last discarded as a result of damage from this unit."


Bounty: [bonus]: A layered ability triggered during a unit discard that means, "When another unit is discarded by damage from this unit, you gain the following when your next build step starts." Bounty triggers even if the attacking unit leaves play. Bounty works in the build zone. You will gain the bounty even if the attacking unit is sent to the discard pile. The unit can't collect a bounty on itself.
Equip: A selective effect on Equipment activated during the build step that means, "Attach this Equipment to a unit. Play only during your build step." You can pay the Equip cost only once per turn.