Discard one of your Imperial units from any arena Search your deck. You may take an Admiral Firmus Piett card from you deck, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your deck. Play only during your build step.
Capital Ship Pilot. The Capital Ship gets +20 speed.
[sub-type] Pilot: A layered, static ability written as "[sub-type] Pilot. The [sub-type] gets:… ." that means, "You may move this card onto or off of a non-Droid Space or Ground unit of the correct sub-type once during the build step. Ignore all other text on this card except its name, sub-type and health. The piloted unit can't have more than one Pilot." Treat all of a unit's Pilot abilities for a sub-type as a single Pilot ability for that sub-type. It grants abilities to that unit alone. See the "Pilots" section of the rules PDF for more info.