Shadows of a Fallen Republic (Full)

Created by:
Name Type Expansion Side #
Palpatine's Prowess
Battle Sith Dark 2 4
Turning Point
Battle Battlefront Neutral 1 3
Emperor Palpatine (H)
Imperial Dark Jedi Master - Sith Lord
Character Battle of Endor Dark 7 30 5 5 1 3
Emperor Palpatine (G)
Imperial Dark Jedi Master - Sith Lord
Character Battle of Endor Dark 7 30 4 5 1 3
Emperor Palpatine (E)
Dark Jedi Master
Character Return of the Jedi Dark 6 20 3 5 1 3
Darth Sidious (L)
Dark Jedi - Sith Master
Character Sith Dark 7 40 6 6 1 3
Darth Tyranus (L)
Dark Jedi Master - Sith Lord
Character Sith Dark 9 50 5 5 1 3
Darth Tyranus (A)
Dark Jedi Master
Character Attack Of The Clones Dark 9 50 7 5 1 3
Darth Tyranus (F)
Dark Jedi Master - Sith Lord
Character Jedi Guardians Dark 10 50 7 7 1 3
Darth Tyranus (D)
Dark Jedi Master - Sith Lord
Character Sith Rising Dark 8 50 6 6 1 3
Mara Jade (E)
Smuggler - Force Sensitive Spy
Character Empire Rising Neutral 6 40 5 5 1 2
Mara Jade (C)
Imperial Agent - Dark Jedi
Character Scum and Villainy Dark 6 50 5 4 1 3
Mara Jade (B)
Imperial Agent
Character Rogues and Scoundrels Dark 6 50 5 5 1 3
Mara Jade (A)
Imperial Agent
Character Empire Strikes Back Dark 5 50 5 4 1 3
Darth Vader (X)
Imperial Dark Jedi Knight - Sith Lord
Character Battle of Endor Dark 8 50 6 6 1 3
Han Solo (H)
Independent Smuggler
Character Rogues and Scoundrels Neutral 4 40 5 5 1 2
Darth Plagueis (A)
Muun Dark Jedi - Sith Master - Sith Lord
Character 10th Anniversary Dark 8 40 5 7 1 3
Grand Moff Tarkin (A)
Imperial Diplomat
Character Battle of Yavin Dark 6 30 4 4 1 3
Darth Sidious's Communicator (A)
Equipment Fall of the Republic Dark 2 1 2
Darth Sidious's Lightsaber (A)
Character - Lightsaber Weapon
Equipment Sith Dark 2 1 3
Emperor Palpatine's Robe (A)
Equipment Battle of Endor Dark 1 1 3
Darth Tyranus's Lightsaber (B)
Character - Lightsaber Weapon
Equipment Sith Dark 3 1 3
Character - Skill
Equipment Sith Dark 1 2 4
Sith Master and Apprentice (A)
Dark Jedi - Sith
Ground Invasion of Naboo Dark 7 40 5 5 1 3
Sith Master and Apprentice (B)
Dark Jedi - Sith
Ground Invasion of Naboo Dark 6 40 5 5 1 2
Sith Master and Apprentice (D)
Dark Jedi - Sith
Ground Sith Dark 7 40 5 5 1 1
AT-ST Assault Team
Imperial Endor Assault Walker Squad
Ground Battle of Endor Dark 7 40 6 5 2 4
Emperor Palpatine's Guard (A)
Imperial Bodyguard Squad - Dark Jedi
Ground Battle of Endor Dark 6 50 4 4 1 3
Sith Marauder Squad
Dark Jedi - Sith Squad
Ground Sith Dark 3 20 3 3 4 4
Inquisitor Detachment
Dark Jedi - Sith Spy Squad
Ground Sith Dark 5 40 3 5 3 6
Imperial Occupied Coruscant
Space/Ground/Character – Imperial Coruscant City
Location 15th Anniversary Dark 2 1 0
Corridors of Power
Location Phantom Menace Dark 2 1 3
Throne Room Underworks
Character - Imperial Facility
Location Battle of Endor Dark 1 1 3
I Can Feel Your Anger
Mission Battle of Endor Dark 2 1 2
Give in to Your Anger
Mission Battle of Endor Dark 2 1 1
Completing Your Training
Mission Battle of Endor Dark 2 2 4
No Way Out
Mission Sith Dark 2 1 1
Cult of the Dead
Resource Sith Dark 4 1 1
Executor (A)
Imperial Flagship Capital Ship
Space Empire Strikes Back Dark 11 10 10 10 1 3
Executor (C)
Imperial Capital Ship - Flagship
Space Battle of Endor Dark 10 10 9 9 1 1
Scythe Squadron (A)
Imperial Squad
Space Return of the Jedi Dark 7 40 6 5 1 3
Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser
Imperial Capital Ship
Space Empire Strikes Back Dark 6 20 4 6 2 2
Emperor's Shuttle (A)
Imperial Dark Jedi - Sith Transport
Space Battle of Endor Dark 5 40 3 3 1 3
Tyranus's Solar Sailer (B)
Geonosian Dark Jedi Starfighter
Space Jedi Guardians Dark 5 50 3 2 1 2
TIE Interceptor
Imperial Starfighter
Space Return of the Jedi Dark 3 60 3 2 3 3
TIE Fighter
Imperial Starfighter
Space Rogues and Scoundrels Dark 2 40 2 1 3 3
Sith Invasion Force
Dark Jedi - Sith
Space/Ground/Character Sith Dark 10 30 7 7 1 3