Vintage Super Troopers

Created by:
Name Type Expansion Side #
That Thing's Operational
Battle Battle of Endor Dark 2 6
A Bigger Fish
Battle Phantom Menace Neutral 2 2
B Battle Battle of Endor Neutral 1 2
Disrupting Strike
Battle Rogues and Scoundrels Neutral 2 2
Battle Revenge of the Sith Neutral 2 6
Darth Vader (K)
Imperial Dark Jedi Knight - Sith Lord
Character Empire Strikes Back Dark 10 50 6 6 1 2
Darth Vader (E)
Dark Jedi Knight - Sith Lord
Character Battle of Yavin Dark 8 50 6 7 1 2
Darth Vader (S)
Dark Jedi Knight Sith Lord
Character Revenge of the Sith Dark 11 50 7 7 1 3
Mara Jade (C)
Imperial Agent - Dark Jedi
Character Scum and Villainy Dark 6 50 5 4 1 3
Mas Amedda (B)
Republic Diplomat
Character Invasion of Naboo Neutral 4 20 3 3 1 2
Darth Vader (W)
Imperial Dark Jedi Knight - Sith Lord
Character Battle of Endor Dark 6 40 4 5 1 2
Darth Sidious (H)
Dark Jedi Master Sith Lord
Character Fall of the Republic Dark 11 60 7 7 1 3
Imperial Banker
Imperial Diplomat
Character Battle of Endor Dark 3 20 2 3 3 6
Darth Sidious (A)
Dark Jedi Master
Character Attack Of The Clones Dark 8 40 5 6 1 3
Darth Sidious (D)
Sith Lord
Character Phantom Menace Dark 8 40 5 6 1 1
E-11 Blaster Carbine
Ground - Character
Equipment Battle of Endor Dark 1 2 2
Sith Lightsaber
Equipment Revenge of the Sith Dark 2 1 1
Pirate Swoop
Pirate Speeder
Ground Scum and Villainy Neutral 2 60 2 2 4 4
Endor Assault Squad
Imperial Clone Stormtrooper Squad
Ground Battle of Endor Dark 5 40 4 4 4 4
Stormtrooper Elite Unit
Imperial Clone Stormtrooper Squad
Ground Battle of Endor Dark 6 40 4 5 4 12
Carbon-Freezing Chamber
Location Empire Strikes Back Dark 4 2 6
Forests of Endor
Ground - Endor
Location Return of the Jedi Neutral 4 2 2
Blockaded Naboo
Space - Naboo
R Location Invasion of Naboo Neutral 3 1 3
Departure Time
Mission Attack Of The Clones Neutral 2 4 8
Death Mark
Mission Empire Strikes Back Dark 1 3 6
TIE Fighter
Imperial Starfighter
Space Rogues and Scoundrels Dark 2 40 2 1 4 4
Sith Infiltrator (B)
Dark Jedi - Sith Transport
Space Phantom Menace Dark 5 50 4 4 1 3
Vader's TIE Fighter (C)
Imperial Dark Jedi - Sith Starfighter
Space Scum and Villainy Dark 5 50 4 3 1 3
Sith Infiltrator (C)
Dark Jedi - Sith Transport
Space Invasion of Naboo Dark 7 50 4 5 1 3
Sith Infiltrator (D)
Dark Jedi - Sith Transport
Space Invasion of Naboo Dark 6 60 4 4 1 2
Kessel Runner
Independent Transport
Space Scum and Villainy Neutral 3 60 1 2 2 2
Death Star II (A)
Imperial Battle Station
Space Return of the Jedi Dark 13 10 14 14 1 1
Slave I (G)
Bounty Hunter - Patrol Ship
Space Scum and Villainy Neutral 5 40 5 3 1 3