Galaxy Mara Jedi

Created by:
Name Type Expansion Side #
Turning Point
Battle Battlefront Neutral 1 3
Battle Mandalorians Neutral 1 3
Battle A Galaxy Divided Light 1 3
High-Speed Dodge
Battle Return of the Jedi Neutral 1 1
Jedi's Mastery
Battle Empire Rising Light 1 2
Ben's Redemption
Battle The Rise of Skywalker Light 1 3
There Will Be No Bargain
Battle Battle of the Sarlacc Neutral 1 3
Dha Werda Verda
Battle Tales and Legends Neutral 1 3
Mara Jade (F)
Smuggler - Force Sensitive Spy
Character Empire Rising Light 5 40 4 5 1 2
Luke Skywalker (D2)
Independent Jedi Master
Character The Last Jedi Light 4 30 4 4 1 1
Mara Jade (L)
New Republic Agent - Jedi Knight
Character Jedi Knight Light 5 50 4 4 1 1
Mara Jade Skywalker (I)
New Republic
Character Vector Prime Light 8 60 4 5 1 3
Mara Jade Skywalker (K)
Galactic Alliance Jedi Master
Character The Unifying Force Light 9 50 7 6 4 12
Yoda (M)
Jedi Master
Character Jedi Light 7 30 5 5 4 12
Ikrit (A)
Hushiban New Republic Jedi Master
Character Star by Star Light 3 50 2 2 1 2
Shaak Ti (B)
Togruta Jedi Master - Council Member
Character Jedi Guardians Light 4 40 4 1 1 3
Rebel Gunner
Rebel Officer
Character Battle of Hoth Light 4 30 3 3 2 2
Event Knights and Exiles Light 1 2
Jedi Spirits (A)
Jedi Spirit Squad
Ground The Rise of Skywalker Light 5 10 0 4 1 3
Jedi Peacekeepers
Republic Jedi Squad
Ground A Galaxy Divided Light 4 50 4 2 4 8
Sympathetic Delegation
Ground Invasion of Naboo Light 3 10 2 3 4 4
Jedi Survivors
Jedi Knight Squad
Ground The Dark Times Light 4 50 5 3 3 3
Lars Homestead
Character - Tatooine Farm
Location Rogues and Scoundrels Light 2 1 2
Dagobah System
Location Empire Strikes Back Light 1 1 1
Dantooine Enclave
Ground - Dantoonine Jedi Facility
Location Jedi Light 2 1 2
Train the Boy
Mission 15th Anniversary Light 1 1 0
Wedding of Destiny
Mission Attack Of The Clones Light 2 1 2
Talon's Death Mark
Mission Bounty Hunters Light 1 1 2
All in a Day's Work
Mission The Unifying Force Light 1 4 4
Explore the Swamps
Mission Empire Strikes Back Light 1 1 1
Je'daii Oath
Resource Tales and Legends Light 4 1 3
X-83 TwinTail
Jedi Starfighter
Space Jedi Light 3 60 2 3 3 3
Luke's X-wing (H)
Rebel Jedi Starfighter
Space Battle of the Sarlacc Light 4 60 3 3 1 3
Jedi Gunship
Old Republic Jedi Gunship
Space Rule of Two Light 5 40 5 5 2 4
Luke's X-Wing (B)
Rebel Starfighter
Space Battle of Yavin Light 5 60 3 3 1 3
Luke's X-Wing (C)
Rebel Starfighter
Space Empire Strikes Back Light 5 60 3 3 1 3
Delta Six Jedi Starfighter
Jedi Starfighter
Space Phantom Menace Light 3 50 3 3 2 2
Luke's X-Wing (G)
Resistance Jedi Starfighter
Space/Ground The Rise of Skywalker Light 5 50 3 3 1 3
Army of Light (A)
Old Republic Jedi Army
Space/Ground/Character Jedi Light 11 30 9 9 1 3