Force Matters

Created by:
Name Type Expansion Side #
Force Storm
Battle The Dark Times Neutral 1 1
Trust the Force
Battle Rogue One Light 0 0 0 0 1 3
Satele's Intervention
Battle The Old Republic Light 2 4
Battle Mandalorians Neutral 4 12
Turning Point
Battle Battlefront Neutral 1 3
Force Eruption
Battle Tales and Legends Neutral 1 3
Luke Skywalker (F2)
Galactic Alliance Jedi Master
Character The Unifying Force Light 12 40 8 8 1 3
Revan (F)
Old Republic Jedi Knight
Character Knights and Exiles Light 9 50 6 6 1 3
Nomi Sunrider (B)
Old Republic Jedi Master - Council Member
Character Tales and Legends Light 13 60 7 9 1 3
Dass Jennir (C)
Jedi Master - Rebel Officer
Character The Dark Times Light 6 40 4 5 1 2
Satele Shan (C)
Old Republic Jedi Knight
Character The Old Republic Light 10 80 6 6 1 3
Bo-Katan Kryze (A)
Death Watch Mandalorian Warrior - Officer
Character Battle Lines Neutral 8 50 6 5 1 3
Fenn Rau (B)
Rebel Mandalorian Warrior
Character Fires of Rebellion Light 6 50 4 5 1 2
Anakin Solo (C)
New Republic Jedi Knight
Character Star by Star Light 9 60 5 5 1 3
Luke Skywalker (S)
Rebel Officer - Jedi Knight
Character Battle of Endor Light 8 50 6 6 1 2
Anakin Skywalker (T)
Jedi Knight - Republic Officer
Character Separatist Offensive Light 9 50 7 7 1 3
Luke Skywalker (H2) (Promo)
Rebel Officer - Jedi Knight
Character Battle of the Sarlacc Light 8 30 6 7 1 0
Luke Skywalker (K2)
Independent Jedi Master
Character The Mandalorian Way Light 8 60 6 6 1
Anakin Skywalker (P)
Jedi Knight - Council Member
Character Fall of the Republic Neutral 3 50 5 5 1 2
Dark Woman (B)
Jedi Master
Character The Dark Times Light 5 50 4 4 1 3
Boba Fett (U)
Mandalorian Clone Bounty Hunter
Character Battle of the Sarlacc Neutral 8 50 6 5 1 3
Zao (A)
Veknoid Jedi Master
Character The Dark Times Light 4 30 3 3 2 2
Chirrut Imwe (A)
Rogue One Rebel - Jedha Guardian
Character Rogue One Light 6 50 5 5 1 3
Rey (E)
Force Sensitive Scavenger
Character Battle of Starkiller Base Light 8 40 4 5 1 3
Force Awareness
Space - Ground - Character - Trait
Equipment The Last Jedi Neutral 3 4 8
Survival Instinct
Space - Ground - Character - Trait
Equipment Battlefront Neutral 2 2 4
Objective Acquired
Event Battlefront Neutral 1 2
Dume (A) (Promo)
Lothal Wolf Creature - Force Sensitive
Ground Fires of Rebellion Light 4 30 3 4 1 0
Yoda's Kybuck (A)
Republic Jedi - Kashyyyk Creature
Ground Republic at War Light 4 60 3 3 1 2
Prine Mount
Rebel Jedi - Prine Creature
Ground The Dark Times Light 5 50 4 4 4 12
Ulic's Strike Team (B)
Old Republic Jedi Knight Squad
Ground Tales and Legends Light 6 60 5 5 2 4
Force Priestesses (A)
Force Sensitive Spirit Squad
Ground/Character Battle Lines Light 5 50 0 5 1 3
Nevarro Reptavian
Reptavian Nevarro Dragon Creature
Ground/Character The Mandalorian Neutral 8 70 7 5 1 3
Loth-wolf Pack
Lothal Wolf Creature Squad
Ground/Character Fires of Rebellion Light 6 40 5 5 4 8
Force Dyad (B)
Jedi Padawan Squad
Ground/Character The Rise of Skywalker Neutral 8 50 6 5 1 3
Mandalorian Knights
Mandalorian Jedi Knight Squad
Ground/Character Days and Nights Neutral 8 60 7 7 1 3
Boba Fett (X)
Mandalorian Clone Bounty Hunter
Ground/Character The Mandalorian Way Neutral 9 50 6 6 1
Jedi Council Chamber
Character - Coruscant Jedi Facility
Location Jedi Light 2 1 3
Wellspring of Life
Space - Star System
Location Battle Lines Light 3 1 3
Calius Saj Leeloo
Ground - Berchest City
Location Empire Rising Neutral 3 1 3
World Between Worlds
Space/Ground/Character - World Between Worlds Landscape
Location Fires of Rebellion Neutral 2 3 9
I'm One with the Force, the Force is with Me
Mission Rogue One Light 2 0 0 0 1 3
Jedi Test
Mission Empire Strikes Back Light 1 4 12
Mission Revenge of the Sith Light 2 3 3
Force Contest
Mission Battle of Crait Neutral 1 1 3
To The Highest Bidder
Mission Bounty Hunters Neutral 3 1 2
Well-Earned Meal
Mission Empire Strikes Back Neutral 2 1 1
Alliance with the Jedi
Resource Mandalorians Light 4 1 1
Jedi Explorer (A)
New Republic Jedi Transport
Space Empire Eternal Light 5 50 5 3 1 2
Trapper's Starfighter (A)
New Republic Police Starfighter
Space The Mandalorian Light 4 60 3 3 1 2
Obi-Wan's Starfighter (C)
Republic Jedi Starfighter
Space 15th Anniversary Light 5 60 3 3 1 0
Nightbrother (B)
Jedi Starfighter - Lothal Rebel Transport
Space Fires of Rebellion Light 5 50 3 4 1 1
Trapper's Starfighter (B)
New Republic Police Starfighter
Space The Mandalorian Way Light 3 60 3 3 1
Aurek-Class Strikefigher
Old Republic Jedi Starfighter
Space Jedi Light 2 40 1 2 4 4
Ghost (A)
Lothal Rebel Transport
Space Rogue One Light 6 50 4 4 1 3
Blade Squadron (A)
Rebel Squadron
Space 10th Anniversary Light 6 30 6 5 1 3
Luke's X-wing (H)
Rebel Jedi Starfighter
Space Battle of the Sarlacc Light 4 60 3 3 1 3
Millennium Falcon (Z)
Galactic Alliance Transport
Space The Unifying Force Light 7 60 5 5 1 3
Millennium Falcon (S)
Scavenger Transport
Space/Ground The Force Awakens Light 7 70 4 5 1 3
Ghost (E)
Lothal Rebel Transport
Space/Ground Fires of Rebellion Light 8 60 4 6 1 3
Luke's X-Wing (G)
Resistance Jedi Starfighter
Space/Ground The Rise of Skywalker Light 5 50 3 3 1 3
Ground/Character - Lothal Wolf Creature
Subordinate Fires of Rebellion Light 60 3 3 1 0