Tonrado Sept Tournament Finals Light Side

Created by:
Name Type Expansion Side #
Battle Rogues and Scoundrels Neutral 1 2
Jedi Knight's Survival
Battle Jedi Guardians Neutral 1 2
Battle Revenge of the Sith Neutral 2 6
Change in Destiny
Battle Empire Strikes Back Neutral 2 4
Blown Cover
Battle Scum and Villainy Neutral 1 2
Jedi Piloting
Battle Revenge of the Sith Neutral 3 3
Hero's Dodge
Battle Attack Of The Clones Neutral 1 1
Chewbacca (F)
Rebel Wookiee
Character Empire Strikes Back Light 7 40 5 7 1 3
Rebel Control Officer
Rebel Soldier
Character A New Hope Light 6 10 4 4 2 4
Boba Fett (H)
Bounty Hunter
Character Return of the Jedi Neutral 9 50 6 6 1 2
Han Solo (I)
Rebel Smuggler
Character Rogues and Scoundrels Light 3 50 4 5 2 6
Han Solo (H)
Independent Smuggler
Character Rogues and Scoundrels Neutral 4 40 5 5 1 2
Han Solo (F)
Rebel Smuggler
Character Empire Strikes Back Light 5 40 5 5 1 2
Princess Leia (I)
Rebel Diplomat
Character Rogues and Scoundrels Light 5 40 4 5 2 6
Princess Leia (G)
Rebel Diplomat
Character Empire Strikes Back Light 5 50 4 4 2 6
Dash Rendar (A)
Independent Smuggler
Character Rogues and Scoundrels Neutral 5 40 5 5 1 1
Lando Calrissian (H)
Diplomat - Rebel Officer - Smuggler
Character Return of the Jedi Light 6 40 5 5 1 3
Wedge Antilles (B)
Rebel Officer
Character Empire Strikes Back Light 5 50 4 4 1 3
Princess Leia (K)
Rebel Diplomat
Character Return of the Jedi Light 4 40 3 3 1 1
Unmodified Snowspeeder
Rebel Speeder
Ground Rogues and Scoundrels Light 3 60 4 5 2 2
Coruscant Emergency ship
Coruscant Speeder
Ground Revenge of the Sith Neutral 5 20 3 5 4 4
Snowspeeder Rogue Two
Rebel Speeder
Ground Empire Strikes Back Light 4 50 3 3 4 4
Rebel Scouts
Rebel Squad
Ground Return of the Jedi Light 4 40 3 3 2 2
Snowspeeder Squad
Rebel Squad
Ground Empire Strikes Back Light 7 50 7 5 1 2
Wedge's Snowspeeder (A)
Rebel Speeder
Ground Empire Strikes Back Light 6 60 3 3 1 3
Lars Homestead
Character - Tatooine Farm
Location Rogues and Scoundrels Light 2 1 2
Free Bespin
Space - Ground - Character - Rebel Bespin
Location Return of the Jedi Light 3 1 2
Free Coruscant
Space - Ground - Character - Rebel Coruscant
Location Return of the Jedi Light 2 1 1
Mission Revenge of the Sith Light 2 2 2
Lando's Repairs
Mission Empire Strikes Back Neutral 1 1 1
Luke's X-Wing (B)
Rebel Starfighter
Space Battle of Yavin Light 5 60 3 3 1 3
Rebel Escape Squad
Rebel Squad
Space Empire Strikes Back Light 7 30 5 6 2 2
Redemption (A)
Rebel Medical Transport
Space Empire Strikes Back Light 7 10 3 5 1 2
Marauder-Class Corvette
Patrol Ship
Space Phantom Menace Neutral 6 30 3 5 2 6
Punishing One (A)
Space Rogues and Scoundrels Neutral 3 40 3 4 1 2
Millennium Falcon (C)
Independent Transport
Space Battle of Yavin Neutral 5 50 4 4 1 3
Millennium Falcon (D)
Rebel Transport
Space Empire Strikes Back Light 8 60 5 4 1 2
Millennium Falcon (H)
Rebel Transport
Space Rogues and Scoundrels Light 3 40 5 5 1 2
Millennium Falcon (G)
Rebel Transport
Space Empire Strikes Back Light 6 50 5 4 1 3
Citadel Cruiser
Space Phantom Menace Neutral 4 40 3 3 1 2
Lady Luck (A)
Bespin Transport
Space Scum and Villainy Light 5 50 4 4 1 3