Fall 2020 WOTC Sealed Tourney

Created by:
Name Type Expansion Side #
Battle Empire Strikes Back Neutral 1 1
Float Away
Battle Empire Strikes Back Light 1 1
Homing Missiles Salvo
Battle Revenge of the Sith Dark 1 1
Jedi Piloting
Battle Revenge of the Sith Neutral 1 1
Log Trap
Battle Return of the Jedi Light 1 1
Lull in the Fighting
R Battle Attack Of The Clones Neutral 1 1
Moment of Truth
Battle Sith Rising Light 1 2
Obi-Wan's Guidance
Battle Battle of Yavin Light 1 3
Preemptive Shot
Battle A New Hope Neutral 1 1
Surge of Strength
Battle Revenge of the Sith Dark 1 1
Target Locked
Battle Attack Of The Clones Neutral 1 1
Tyranus's Wrath
Battle Attack Of The Clones Dark 1 3
Yoda (K)
Jedi Master
Character Revenge of the Sith Light 11 60 7 7 1 3
Rune Haako (A)
Trade Federation Diplomat
Character Phantom Menace Dark 4 20 2 2 1 2
Han Solo (D)
Independent Smuggler
Character Battle of Yavin Light 4 50 3 3 1 1
Kyle Katarn (A)
Rebel Soldier
Character Rogues and Scoundrels Light 7 40 6 7 1 1
Tusken Warrior
Character Rogues and Scoundrels Neutral 5 30 4 5 1 1
Obi-Wan Kenobi (J)
Jedi Knight
Character Jedi Guardians Light 5 50 4 4 1 2
R2-D2 (I)
Rebel Astromech Droid
Character Return of the Jedi Light 3 20 1 2 1 2
R2-D2 (J)
Astromech Droid
B Character Revenge of the Sith Light 3 20 1 2 1 2
Luke Skywalker (F)
Rebel Jedi Padawan
Character Battle of Yavin Light 4 50 4 3 1 2
Dengar (A)
Corellian Bounty Hunter
Character Rogues and Scoundrels Neutral 7 50 7 7 1 3
Elite Guardian
Character Revenge of the Sith Dark 3 20 3 3 1 2
Elite Royal Guard
Imperial Bodyguard
Character Return of the Jedi Dark 5 40 4 4 1 1
Boba Fett (H)
Bounty Hunter
Character Return of the Jedi Neutral 9 50 6 6 1 2
Darth Tyranus (E)
Dark Jedi Master - Sith Lord
Character Sith Rising Dark 6 50 5 5 1 2
Darth Tyranus (G)
Dark Jedi Master - Sith Lord
Character Jedi Guardians Dark 6 50 5 5 1 1
Battle Droid Division
Trade Federation Droid
Ground Jedi Guardians Dark 10 30 8 7 1 2
Elite Squad
Rebel Squad
Ground Return of the Jedi Light 8 40 5 6 1 1
Flash Speeder
Naboo Speeder
Ground Phantom Menace Light 4 40 3 3 1 1
Destroyer Droid Squad
Trade Federation Droid
Ground Attack Of The Clones Dark 5 40 5 5 1 1
Forward Command Center
Republic Fortification
Ground Jedi Guardians Light 5 20 3 5 1 1
Geonosian Artillery Battery
Geonosian Fortification
Ground Sith Rising Dark 5 50 5 3 1 1
Republic Attack Gunship
Republic Gunship
Ground Jedi Guardians Light 5 60 4 4 1 1
Tatooine Vehicle
Ground Attack Of The Clones Neutral 2 20 2 2 1 1
Coruscant Speeder
Independent Speeder
Ground Sith Rising Neutral 2 30 2 1 1 1
Stormtrooper Assault Team
Imperial Clone Stormtrooper
Ground A New Hope Dark 2 30 2 2 1 1
Super Battle Droid Squad
Droid Squad
Ground Sith Rising Dark 5 30 5 6 1 1
Trade Federation AAT
Trade Federation Droid Tank
Ground Phantom Menace Dark 4 30 4 4 1 1
Occupied Coruscant
Space - Ground - Character - Imperial Coruscant
Location Return of the Jedi Dark 2 1 1
Kessel System
B Location Rogues and Scoundrels Neutral 2 1 2
Free Bespin
Space - Ground - Character - Rebel Bespin
Location Return of the Jedi Light 3 1 2
Blockade PM
R Mission Phantom Menace Dark 2 1 1
Capture Obi-Wan
Mission Attack Of The Clones Dark 2 1 2
Probe the Galaxy
Mission Empire Strikes Back Dark 1 1 1
Sith Infiltrator (B)
Dark Jedi - Sith Transport
Space Phantom Menace Dark 5 50 4 4 1 3
Star Destroyer RAS
Imperial Capital Ship
Space Rogues and Scoundrels Dark 4 20 5 6 1 1
TIE Fighter DS-73-5
Imperial Starfighter
Space Battle of Yavin Dark 1 50 1 1 1 1
TIE Bomber EX-1-8
Imperial Starfighter
Space Empire Strikes Back Dark 3 40 2 3 1 1
TIE Bomber EX-1-2
Imperial Starfighter
Space Empire Strikes Back Dark 4 30 3 3 1 1
Trade Federation Blockade Ship
Trade Federation Capital Ship
Space Jedi Guardians Dark 6 20 4 4 1 1
Rebel Starfighter
Space Return of the Jedi Light 3 70 2 2 1 1
X-Wing Attack Formation
Rebel Squadron
Space A New Hope Light 6 50 4 4 1 1
X-wing Red Squadron
Rebel Squadron
Space Battle of Yavin Light 6 50 5 4 1 1
Delta Six Jedi Starfighter
Jedi Starfighter
Space Phantom Menace Light 3 50 3 3 1 1
Acclamator-Class Assault Ship
Republic Capital Ship
Space Sith Rising Light 8 10 8 10 1 1
Droid Starfighter DFS-1VR
Trade Federation Droid Starfighter
Space Sith Rising Dark 2 50 1 1 1 1
Hardcell-Class Transport
Techno Union Capital Ship
Space Revenge of the Sith Dark 7 30 4 6 1 2
Inferno (A)
Space Phantom Menace Neutral 5 50 3 3 1 2
Modified YV-330 (A)
Space Phantom Menace Neutral 5 50 5 4 1 2