Grand Moff Tarkin (K)

Grand Moff Tarkin (K)

Avg. Rating 7.0
2 Ratings


Side Dark
Rarity Uncommon
Version K
Type Character
Points 2



Card Number
86 / 195

Independent Development Committee
Publish Date

Independent Development Committee

Card Text

Alternative Cost: Discard 2 of your Imperials from any arena.

As long as you have another Imperial in the Character arena, Tarkin can't be attacked.

Each of your other Imperials gets Backfire 1, Focus 2, and Precision.


Alternative Cost
Alternative Cost: [cost]: A selective, static effect that means, "Instead of paying the build cost of this card, you may complete this card by paying the [cost] listed." Alternative Cost must be paid in full, if it is not possible to pay the [cost] completely, you can't complete the card. You must pay the [cost] in the order listed. Any ability that reduces the normal cost to complete a card does not reduce the [cost] in that card's Alternative Cost, unless the ability specifically says so.
Backfire X: A cumulative ability triggered by the initial dice roll that means, "When you roll at least one natural three with this unit's attack dice before re-roll, this unit does X dice of damage to itself when the attack ends." Backfire applies only to dice rolled for an attack, not to dice rolls for abilities like Retaliate.
Focus X: A cumulative ability triggered by the initial dice roll that means, "When you roll at least one natural five with this unit's attack dice before re-roll, this unit gets +X power for its next attack." Only the first natural "5" counts. A five rolled after re-roll doesn't matter. Focus applies only to dice rolled for an attack, not to dice rolls for abilities like Retaliate. Accuracy can't increase the die roll to a natural "5."
Precision: An isolated, static ability that means, "This unit cannot be intercepted." An attacking unit with Precision cannot have the target of its attack changed by a unit with the Intercept ability. "Elude" is the former name of this keyword. Treat any unit with Elude as if it has Precision instead.

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